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Karoo Software Build Version:

Posted by Hammerhead . on

Improvements and Enhancements:

  • Animated (visual) datafields for power and heart rate zones introduced
  • “Endless” app screen scrolling (when you hit the last one it cycles back to the beginning) 
  • Reduced size of the navigation icon
  • Fine-tuning of ascent/descent (more accurate now but still being improved)
  • Fine-tuning of auto-pause to resume faster and with more accuracy at low speeds
  • Elevation datafields added: Min Elevation, Max Elevation, Average Elevation and Lap Data - Min, Max, Ascent, Descent 
  • Power datafield added: Training Stress Score® and Intensity Factor®
  • Pedal smoothness, L/R balance, and torque effectiveness (efficiency)
  • Battery icon now displaying charge percentage
  • Preference to enable/disable navigation cues (still working on on/off track notifications) 
  • Fine-tuning of average power readings for laps
  • Normalized power calculation improvements
  • HR Zones now connected to your Karoo user account 
  • Device MAC address is now consistent for secure WiFi
  • Added device info into FIT file

Bugs Addressed:

  • Specific ride app crash cases 
  • Speed drops from certain ANT+ sensors 
  • Time format changing globally from 12/24hr based on user preference
  • Navigation showing “Waiting for instruction”
  • Navigation stopping and not restarting
  • Navigation instruction incorrect resizing 
  • Fixed a strange crash type seen when recording a ride for 30 min + 12 hours of deep freezing the Karoo

Known issues remaining:

  • Stages, Power2Max, and 4iiii power meter connectivity / data issues 
  • Overall improvement of ANT+ power data handling and logging
  • Reboot issues are still being investigated for a small customer subset.
  • Karoo account details may show N/A or “Unknown User” (This is not an issue with your account, only a syncing display problem on the Karoo – all your data, including Profiles, Activities, Zones, Routes, etc., will sync just fine once logged in.)
  • Unpairing all Bluetooth sensors while in-ride can cause the Sensors app to restart.
  • Address search is not localized enough.
  • Issues with left-side roadway/roundabout navigation instructions
  • Need for more navigation alert datafields and changes in urgency
  • Adaptive brightness can be a battery hog in high brightness.
  • Cadence and speed sensors that have the wheel magnet removed may not work properly.
  • Current auto-pause menu functionality is annoying.
  • Maps sometimes need more graphical contrast.

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