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Karoo Software Build Version:

Posted by Hammerhead . on

Introductions and Enhancements:

  • Support has been added to enable Karoo to manage long lists of routes. Previously a list of 35 or 40 routes could cause Karoo to stall. Hundreds now possible.

  • User can now add a route after starting a ride without a route, and to routes mid-ride when already traversing a different route.

  • Improvements added for server speed and reliability.

  • Speed of firmware downloads incrementally improved again.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix for device reboot issue, which was determined to be caused by a firmware defect related to Karoo’s location service firmware.

  • TSS calculation accuracy improved to better consider ride paused time.

  • Fix for sync failures for routes and rides between Karoo and Dashboard, which was determined to be an embedded 30-day log-out function in our third-party server, which has been removed.

  • Fix for zero drop-out on Stages power meters

Known Issues Remaining:

  • Some data fields freezing in-ride for some users. Still exploring whether this is a systemic issue or individual data stream/sensor issue.

  • Average Speed and Cadence readouts sometimes erroneous. Algorithms being analyzed and revised.

  • Navigational cues sometimes freezing or failing to render for some users on some rides. Working with mapping clients to address this.

  • Offline map downloads failures still affecting some users (workarounds identified, but root cause/fix still being explored).


    release should provide improvement.

  • Bracket feet failing for some users in rigorous conditions. Bracket foot being scrutinized. 

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